Using the The Black Market API

To retrieve transaction from the TBM API you need to provide a secretWord. In case you don't have provided a secretWord you will get an tbmSecretwordException. There are several ways to add a secretWord to work with.

Quick Reference

class pypepvp.tbm(session[, secretWord=None]])

method pyepvp.tbm.retrieveTransactions([typeTrans='all'[, custom=None]])

Setting a SecretWord

import pyepvp
eddy = pyepvp.session("Der-Eddy", passwordmd5hash, True, superSecretWord)
transactions = pyepvp.tbm(eddy)
#do something

You can also add a secretWord to your already created session

import pyepvp
eddy = pyepvp.session("Der-Eddy", passwordmd5hash, True) #No secretWord!
eddy.secretWord = "superSecretWord"
transactions = pyepvp.tbm(eddy)

Or you can directly provide a secretWord to the tbm constructor

import pyepvp
eddy = pyepvp.session("Der-Eddy", passwordmd5hash, True) #No secretWord!
transactions = pyepvp.tbm(eddy, superSecretWord)

Get your own transactions from the API

To get the JSON for your own transaction list, use the tbm.retrieveTransactions method

transactions = pyepvp.tbm(eddy)
tbmJSON = transactions.retrieveTransactions("received")

Valid type arguments are all, received or sent

Get the transactions from an other user as your session

In case you want to retrieve the transactions of an other than your session user, use the custom argument by providing the full link

transactions = pyepvp.tbm(eddy)
tbmJSON = transactions.retrieveTransactions(custom="")